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New global warming theory concerning the shift of the Earth's axis and overpopulation. CO2 is not the main problem for our planet.

​​​​​​ASME, 2022, R. A. Leishear, "Explosion Differentiation Using Light Emissions: Steam, Water Hammer, Hydrogen, Piper Alpha, and Hydro-Volcanic Explosions".  Final proofs were presented for the causes of Fukushima nuclear reactor and Piper Alpha offshore platform explosions.

Op Ed News, 2022, Series of articles on nuclear power plant explosions and nuclear war. Stop nuclear power plant explosions! Make the "bomb" against the law!

ASME Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Science, 2022, "Water Hammers Exploded the Nuclear Power Plants at Fukushima Daiichi", R.A. Leishear

ASME Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology, 2019. " Water Hammer Breaks Water Mains". New theory was invented to describe the common cause of hundreds of thousands of water main breaks in the U.S. every year, i.e. an expected trillion dollars in water main breaks over the next 25 years can be stopped!.

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ANS Nuclear News, Magazine Article, "The TMI-2 Explosion", 2019, R. A. Leishear.

British Hydraulic Research Institute, 2018, "Pump Start-ups Ignite Nuclear Power Plants, History, Law, and Risks". Documentation is provided to prove that US Nuclear Regulatory Agency regulations are inadequate to provide safe designs for the entire US nuclear reactor fleet, i.e., 98 commercial reactors.

ASME, 2017, R. A. Leishear, Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference, "Fires, and Explosions in Nuclear Power Plants, Parts I to IV", a new theory was invented to explain the common cause failures at Three Mile Island, Fukushima, and hundreds of smaller explosions in nuclear power plants. 

​ASME , 2019, R. A. Leishear, "The Autoignition of Nuclear Power Plant Explosions" ASME Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Science".

Mensa Press Release, Creativity Award for Nuclear Reactor Explosion Theory, 2015. Mensa is a fellowship of gifted IQ individuals, which has 110,000 members in over a hundred countries. ​
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ANS Nuclear News, Magazine Article, "The TMI-2 Explosion", 2019, R. A. Leishear.

ASME, 2017, Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference, "Shock Waves, Vibrations, and Resonance in Linearly Elastic Beams", R. A. Leishear, New theory was invented to mathematically explain the fact that resonance destroy structures at numerous different frequencies.

ASME, 2016, Power and Energy Conference paper, "Design and Application of Low Flow Steam Siphon Jet Pumps", R. A. Leishear, M. Bennett, and J. Cooper.

ASME Magazine article: "Comparison of Mixing Experiments to Computational Fluid Dynamics Models", 2013, R. A. Leishear, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Mechanical Engineering Magazine.

ASME Magazine article, Three Mile Island Hydrogen Fire and Near Explosion, 2014, R. A. Leishear, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Mechanical Engineering Magazine.

ASME Magazine article, "Pipeline Explosions: A New Theory", 2013, R. A. Leishear, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Mechanical Engineering Magazine.

Mensa World Journal article, Explosions in Nuclear Reactors and Offshore Oil Rigs, 2013, R. A. Leishear.

ASME Press Release, Text book on Piping Design and Failure Analysis, 2013, R. A. Leishear, "Fluid Mechanics, Water Hammer, Dynamic Stresses, and Piping Design", ASME Press.

ASME Press Release, Text book Supplement on Piping Design and Failure Analysis, 2015, "Fluid Mechanics, Water Hammer, Dynamic Stresses, and Piping Design", R. A. Leishear, ASME Press.

Savannah River National Lab Press Release for an ASME Fellowship, 2014. ASME is an organization, which has 141,000 members in over 158 countries. Less than 3 % of the members are Fellows, who are recognized for outstanding engineering achievements.